privacy rights

Privacy Rights In The Digital Age

It is important that businesses understand their responsibilities regarding any personal information they hold. According to the Privacy Act 2020, personal information is defined as any recorded information about an identifiable individual. If you have records that contain information such as name, date of birth, email address, bank account details, financial information, employment history and…

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Productivity is a key aspect of modern business, and technology has played a major role in helping organisations achieve their goals. IT (Information Technology) has revolutionised the way we work, allowing us to accomplish more in less time and with fewer resources. In this article, we will explore how IT can be used to improve…

greening it

Greening IT

Green IT can be defined as the practice of environmentally sustainable and responsible computing. It involves not only being aware of the effect the operation of the physical components in an IT infrastructure has on the environment, but also involves the supply chain from the purchase to the disposal of those devices at end of…

dark data

The Downside Of Dark Data

The digital data we all generate and accumulate is saved somewhere and increasingly it is stored using cloud services and sometimes multiple cloud services. Those cloud services require an escalating amount of energy to store that data and have it available for access on demand. Our data includes emails and attachments, backups, documents and files,…

phishing attack

Phishing Attacks Becoming More Sophisticated

Analysts from Zscaler’s cybersecurity research team have discovered a new large-scale phishing campaign targeting Microsoft email users. Corporate users, specifically end users in Enterprise environments who use Microsoft email services, are the campaign’s primary target audience. Attackers use Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) techniques to circumvent multi-factor authentication (MFA) safeguards. In early July, Microsoft disclosed information about a…