
robot writing chatgpt bbn
February 1, 2023

Productivity is a key aspect of modern business, and technology has played a major role in helping organisations achieve their goals. IT (Information Technology) has revolutionised the way we work, allowing us to accomplish more in less time and with fewer resources. In this article, we will explore how IT can be used to improve productivity in the workplace.

One of the most obvious ways that IT improves productivity is by automating repetitive tasks. For example, software applications can be used to automate data entry, schedule appointments, and manage customer relationships. These tools not only save time, but they also reduce the chance of human error, which can have a significant impact on productivity.

Another way that IT improves productivity is by facilitating communication and collaboration. With the rise of cloud computing, employees can now work together on projects in real-time, regardless of their location.

This allows teams to be more productive, as they can share information, brainstorm ideas, and make decisions more quickly.

IT also helps to improve productivity by providing employees with the tools they need to work more effectively.

For example, productivity software like Microsoft Office and Google Docs allow employees to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Project management software like Trello and Asana help teams to organise and track their progress on projects.

In addition, IT also enables remote working, which has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the help of VPN and collaboration tools, employees can work from anywhere and still be connected to the office. This can increase productivity by reducing the time and costs associated with commuting, and also by providing a better work-life balance.

In conclusion, IT has played a major role in improving productivity in the workplace.

By automating repetitive tasks, facilitating communication and collaboration, providing employees with the right tools, and enabling remote working, IT has helped organisations to achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more ways in which IT will be used to improve productivity in the future.

Dear readers, the previous three hundred words were written in less than a minute by an Open AI tool called ChatGPT after I asked it to “write a 300 word article on productivity using IT”.

The above content is fairly tame, you probably haven’t learned anything new but with some skilful editing, extra detail and applied bias some personal anecdotes (I prefer Microsoft applications over others!) I’m sure I could have produced written copy more speedily than usual.

I have yet to see if it will quote reputable sources and correctly attribute them and add any depth. I’ll certainly be exploring it and attempt to be clever in my requests.

The world is currently debating its usage, its potential usage/misuse in education and journalism and those are worthwhile debating.

Like the internet and the smart phone it is here and cannot be banned. We’re going to see its incorporation into IT tools that we use every day, like Microsoft 365.

Productivity is not only about volume or speed – its increasingly about quality of work, output and content.

I asked ChatGPT to write a haiku about IT and Productivity. It took a bit longer than the article to form this –

IT tools aid us
Productivity skyrockets
Efficiency blooms

I counter with –

IT does easy fast
But perception and class
Need the human touch

And finally, why did it not promote itself as an IT productivity tool!

robot writing chatgpt bbn

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