dark data

The Downside Of Dark Data

The digital data we all generate and accumulate is saved somewhere and increasingly it is stored using cloud services and sometimes multiple cloud services. Those cloud services require an escalating amount of energy to store that data and have it available for access on demand. Our data includes emails and attachments, backups, documents and files,…

phishing attack

Phishing Attacks Becoming More Sophisticated

Analysts from Zscaler’s cybersecurity research team have discovered a new large-scale phishing campaign targeting Microsoft email users. Corporate users, specifically end users in Enterprise environments who use Microsoft email services, are the campaign’s primary target audience. Attackers use Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) techniques to circumvent multi-factor authentication (MFA) safeguards. In early July, Microsoft disclosed information about a…

microsoft teams

Microsoft Teams, A Revolution In Collaboration

At the start of 2020, you most likely had a carefully considered roadmap for your business’s digital transformation. Fast forward two years and that future vision no doubt accelerated towards you at the speed of light. Coronavirus forced the digital revolution to pick up pace more so than any other economical, technological, or cultural driver.…